Thursday, September 29, 2011

Housecleaning Tips : How to Clean Black Mold Helpful Video

Black mold is dangerous to breathe, so if black mold is seen anywhere besides a bathtub, it's advisable to call professionals to clean it. Find out how to clean black mold with a toothbrush, baking soda and vinegar with help from a professional house cleaner in this free video on black mold and cleaning tips.

Expert: Rachel Yatuzis
Bio: Rachel Yatuzis is a professional house cleaner in Nashville, Tenn., specializing in using everyday household items for cleaning purposes.
Filmmaker: Tim Brown

1 comment:

Solar Panels Bournemouth said...

I am so glad I have found this tip. I have what I presume is black mould around some of the taps in my bathroom and wasn't even sure what it was. I will definitely be giving the baking soda and vinegar ago! Thanks!