Friday, February 20, 2009

Children's Health Initiative: Toxic Mold

As per the United States Environmental Protection Agency: Outbreaks of the fungi Stachybotrys chartarum (S. chartarum) are under investigation for an association with the deaths of infants in Cleveland, Ohio, and serious health problems in other areas of the U.S. Although not widely found, Stachybotrys chartarum has been studied for the last 20 years. The following is documented.
  • Chartarum produces toxigenic spores that are potentially hazardous, especially when the air-conveyance system is involved.
  • Currently there are no EPA regulations or guidelines for evaluating potential health risks of chartarum contamination and remediation.
  • Chartarum is a greenish-black fungus that can grow on materials with a high cellulose and low nitrogen content (such as fiberboard, gypsum board, dust and lint).
  • The prevalence of chartarum contamination in indoor environments is unknown.
  • Sample collection of chartarum may be difficult due to the presence of other species of less toxic fungi.
  • Remediation of chartarum must be performed with much care to isolate and contain the spread of contamination and maintain the safety of the trained remediator.

This is Part I of V posts that will be on this subject. For additional information, visit the source at

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