Friday, June 10, 2011

What Cleans Up Moldy Furniture?

What cleans up moldy furniture?
How to clean your moldy furniture depends on how it reacts to water. See chart below:

Reaction to Water Items Recommendations
Doesn't absorb water and is washable.
Wood, metal, plastic, glass, and ceramics objects.
Wipe with a solution of lukewarm water and laundry detergent.
Absorbs water and is washable.
Clothes and bedding.
Wash in laundry.
Absorbs water but not washable.
Beds, sofas and other furniture.
These items may have to be discarded.
Or, try to save by vacuuming well and allowing to air out. If there is no odor it may be okay. Mold can come back, so watch for any mold growth or mold related health problems. Discard the item if you suspect mold is growing inside or outside the item.
SOURCE: Washington State Department of Health

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